Open to All Every Sunday Morning
Sunday School Class
Sunday School Class for Adults on Sunday Morning at 9:00 A.M. every Sunday Morning in Fellowship Hall before our Worship Service at 10:15 A.M.
Youth Study on Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM
Beginning February 11th, 2024, Pastor John and Amy will be leading an eight-week Bible Study Session for our youth. Amy and the girls will be working through the Book of Ruth using Kelly Minter’s book, “Ruth for Teen Girls, Loss, Love and Legacy”. John and the guys will be looking at Tony Evans’ “No More Excuses, Be the Man God Made You to Be.” Books are provided. Please call the church office or talk to Pastor John or Amy if you will be attending, so we can be sure to have enough books.
Maxine Bates Circle
Maxine Bates Circle meets every month on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1:00 P.M. in Fellowship Hall to work on different women missions. All women are welcome.
The “SALT” Group (Senior Adults Living Triumphantly) consists of any and all senior adults, age 55 and older, and generally met at noon on the third Thursday of the month for food, fun, and fellowship. All Senior Adults are Welcome!