Fairfield First Baptist is just a bunch of people who want to “live a better story,” by syncing up with Jesus.  We use a picture of a leaf as a kind of logo to help describe ourselves.


A green leaf is fresh and vibrant and growing, and that reflects the attitude of the people you’ll find here.  We know that God loves each person, and loves us enough to not leave us where we’re at.  So we’re looking to take the next step, whatever that might be for each person, in following Jesus’ story.


You might notice in our leaf that there are breaks in its outline.  We fully admit that we’re not right; we’re broken.  We need the “better story” Christ is leading us into.


But the break also shows that we’re open for others to enter, who would like to live a better story, too. There’s space for you; a place for you to belong.  So, come as you are.  Just as you are, you’ll fit right in.


The veins of the leaf show that we’re people who are reaching up in prayer and praise, toward the Father of all things, who created us and provides everything we need to live a better story.


Just as a leaf provides oxygen, offering Life, to others within its sphere, we want to help others to be able to breathe easy, and lead them into the shade of the One who is rest for our souls.

We come as we are, and we leave living a better story.